What Are Inbound Links and How Do They Help with Google Rankings?

Back in the ancient times of SEO, inbound links were used to judge website credibility. Search engines would look at the number of inbound links, and ranking content by comparing the number of links coming from third-party sites. Today, Google has improved its methods of search engine ranking, considering several things before presenting results.

Google still considers inbound links for ranking, though it’s all about the quality of each link instead of the quantity. Understanding inbound links and how to use them to boost your ranking is essential as an online business – and Marketing by Margaret is here to tell you why.

What Are Inbound Links?

An inbound link is defined as a link to your website from a third-party site. For instance, say Forbes.com uses your site as a reference, adding a link directly to you in one of their articles. To do this, websites will typically add anchor text, linking it to an easily clickable URL.

It is not enough for websites to just add links anymore – as quality outweighs quantity. Today’s use of inbound links requires the use of credible sites associated with the content or promoted products. Google’s algorithms are much more sophisticated than they used to be – leaving companies to put more effort into becoming credible sources.

Why Are Inbound Links Important?

Inbound links are beneficial for several reasons. Finding ways to add inbound links to your website comes with several benefits, including:

  • Improved ranking – The more credible inbound links you have, the higher you will rank on Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs)
  • Referrals  – The more referrals, the more traffic, and the more familiar your brand becomes
  • Boosted brand awareness – When people think of your brand first, they’re more likely to do business with you
  • Solid business relationships – Other businesses look to collaborate with knowledgeable sources and can boost ranking significantly the more credible they are

Google will analyze the number of inbound links to your website, using that as another factor in ranking your position. The more credible you become, the more links you’ll get, and the higher up the search engine ladder you’ll climb.

No-Fail Inbound Link Building Tactics

Inbound links are not just something you can add to content yourself. Because it’s up to third parties to link to your site and content, you’ll have to work to build awareness and connect with credible, established businesses. How can you increase your inbound links?

Keep Content Fresh

When you have an online presence, your content should be a priority. It speaks loudly of your company, showcasing who you are, what you offer, and how well you keep things running. Other websites do not want to link to inaccurate, outdated content, on the hunt for fresh, organized, and well-managed content to link.

To increase your inbound links, you will first need to revamp and build your content. Marketing by Margaret can help your business find your target audience and relative topics to blog over. Our talented team of writers can create how-to articles and entrench your website as the go-to source for information in your field. By regularly blogging and uploading new content onto your website, you will create credible sources to link to.

Use Keywords

The use of keywords is not just about getting customers to find you. It’s also about providing quick and accurate answers to web users, encouraging them to link to your site. For example, if you sell ice cream and you want others to link to your site, think of keywords that users might type into Google. All the blog writing services at Marketing by Margaret come with keyword research. Let us do the keyword research for you.

Use these ideas in your search for keywords and phrases that get the most hits on Google. Once you have those figured out, you can use them in your content, doing so to drive traffic your way. You want to become a source of knowledge in your niche, as this will boost your credibility and bring others your way when they’re looking for answers.

Spruce Up Your Website

The last thing a third-party website wants to link to is a poorly designed and unmanaged website. Because the credibility of inbound links counts,  third parties are on the hunt for credible content that’s professionally presented.

When others visit your website, you want to provide them with all the information they may need to be organized in a professional and visually pleasing manner. You may need to give your website a makeover, outsourcing web designers that specialize in professional webpage setups. All content needs to be updated, easy to access, and provide the necessary information.

Establish Connections

Even if your business is 100% online, you’ll still need to get your name out there. Whether it’s connecting virtually with other business owners or making in-person connections, meeting, and greeting is a great way to score inbound links.

Consider reaching out to companies that complement your products and services and finding those that you could collaborate with. You can also go for other popular businesses in your area, finding unique ways to team up. Create a fun promotion or add some incentive to purchasing your products, collaborating with other business owners to start networking, and growing.

Give Shoutouts

Because of the power that inbound linking comes with, businesses of all sizes are looking for ways to score them. You can take advantage of the desire and give shoutouts to companies or influential people, attempting to catch their attention. While it doesn’t always work, when it does, you could become an overnight sensation, especially if you catch the attention of someone who’s gone viral.

Use Social Media

You likely have a following on social media, so use that to spread the word. Post your new blogs and create fun, engaging content like videos, memes, and more. The more fun that you have with posts, the more attention you’ll get.

When posting on social media, try to get on a regular posting schedule, as this will boost your visits and increase your followers almost immediately.

Get in Contact for a Free Quote on Blogging Services

Marketing by Margaret can assist your business in regularly uploading fresh and informative content. Our articles are 100% handwritten by writers from the USA, ensuring that none of your content is spun or difficult to read. This means more opportunities to create inbound links back to your website, driving traffic and new customers your way.

1 thought on “What Are Inbound Links and How Do They Help with Google Rankings?”

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