Reasons Why Blogging Improves your SEO

Who knew that blogging could send you skyrocketing past all the other websites out there? That’s right, adding or improving a blog on your website has the power to help you climb the competitive search engine ladder. Marketing by Margaret can help you achieve first-page status by regularly updating your blog. Apart from the obvious boost to online standings, blogging improves SEO for several other reasons as well.

Increases Search Engine Ranking

Who goes past page one on a search engine? The answer is, not very many. Studies show that only 25% of users click on to the next page. Having a high-ranking website is the #1 way to increase sales and get your website on the map.  Marketing by Margaret has a team of USA-based writers that can write engaging and informative material to help your blog rank on the first page on Google.

Blogging improves your SEO by helping you score first-page or first website status. This requires a bit of SEO research, revealing longtail keywords and phrases that improve searchability for your website. You should leave this part to the pros, as we can find words in your niche and help bring traffic your way.

Increases Visibility

The best thing about blogging is that it increases your visibility. The more content you create and add, the better you can be at pulling traffic your way. And, of course, the more traffic visiting your page, the more opportunity to sell your key products and services. Marketing by Margaret recommends updating your blog, at minimum, one to two times per week for maximum visibility.

Keeps Website Fresh

When business owners neglect their website, visitors can tell. Maybe blogs and information are old and outdated and pictures are all stock images that provide nothing of interest. Keeping blogs fresh helps drive SEO, as it evolves to fit popular trends and current searches. The web moves fast, and blogs offer a way for businesses to keep up with the times.

Increase User Time on Page

It is not enough to get users to click on your website. They need something engaging and of interest to keep them on the page. A blog works to not only get them there, but it will provide information and visuals to keep them captivated on the page. And, as we all know, the more time on a page, the more opportunity they have to browse products and services.

Contact Marketing by Margaret for a Free Quote

Marketing by Margaret is a digital market agency providing blog writing services with a team of USA-based writers. Our staff is happy to provide you with a free quote for maximizing website traffic and increasing your visibility in the search engines. Please contact us at 630-788-7829 or by sending an inquiry through our website to learn more about our services. We offer white-label blogging, as well as full-service blog publishing for small businesses.

1 thought on “Reasons Why Blogging Improves your SEO”

  1. Pingback: What Are Inbound Links and How Do They Help with Google Rankings? - Marketing by Margaret

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