Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions on how our process works, please look through the FAQs below. Do not hesitate to get in touch by using the “Contact Us” link in the upper right-hand corner if you have any additional questions.

Why should I have an active blog?

We understand that blogging is a chore and during the busy season, it can get thrown to the wayside. However, there are several advantages to having an active blog:
1. Every blog post provides Google with another page to index. Each blog post is a potential “hit” in Google when someone is searching for that particular keyword. Blogs drive traffic to your website by gaining access to a larger audience.
2. Regularly posting fun and informative blogs brings readers coming back for more. Every time that a reader returns to your blog is an additional chance at converting them to a customer. Readers trust the information they find in blogs which also gives you credibility in your field.
3. Google favors websites that regularly add new content. Websites that have no action for weeks or months at a time do not rank as well as ones that are continuously updated. Adding informative blog content to your website is one of the best ways to remain relevant in search engine rankings.

Can you post the blogs directly to my website?

We are able to work with any blogging software. During the checkout process, we will ask for your blog admin URL, username and password. We will use the login information to upload the blogs to your website. This way, you can focus on running your business instead of worrying about things like meta-data and alt-text.
It is not an issue if you would prefer to post the blogs yourself. If you would rather remain in control of posting your own blogs, we will send the completed blogs to the email address on file.

Is the blog content unique?

Some agencies try to pull the wool over your eyes by selling spun content. Marketing by Margaret does right by our clients. We never provide spun or plagiarized material. All blogs are run through Copyscape as part of our editing process. Every blog is 100% unique and written for your website by our USA-based writers.

Do I retain full copy-right of the blogs?

Once the blog leaves our hands, it 100% belongs to you. All copy-right of the material transfers to you and we will never re-use your blog content. Our process is perfect for white labeled blogs because we leave our company name off the final product. Your clients never have to know that the blog came from Marketing by Margaret.

Is your team based in the USA?

We are based in the state of Illinois. Margaret is originally from the Chicago-land area, and currently resides in the southern part of the state. Our team of writers and editors are also based in the USA. We do not partner with any overseas writers so that you get the best quality writing possible.

Are images included with each blog?

Each blog comes with 1 royalty-free image. Images help to break up the monotony of text in a blog and captivate the reader’s attention.

Are there any long-term contracts?

We offer a weekly ongoing blog subscription so that you get fresh content on a regular schedule. There are absolutely no penalties for canceling your ongoing subscription or any long-term contracts. We hate to see you go, but we understand that situations change. 

Do you only provide blog services?

Our writers are experienced in crafting blogs, articles, product descriptions, website pages, and more. Please contact us to inquire about our additional writing services.